How to manage properties
This is the list of all the properties of the embed viewer. Each property is a single attribute on the HTML tag.
e.g. the scale property will be: <aryel-embed scale="2 2 2"></aryel-embed>
Property | Description | Type | Default | Notes |
scale | The scale of the object. Must be a 3D vector with three values (x y z). | Vector3 | 1 1 1 | |
position | The position of the object. Must be a 3D vector with three values (x y z). | Vector3 | 0 0 0 | |
rotation | The rotation of the object. Must be three values in degrees (x y z). | Vector3 | 0 0 0 | |
button | Enables the button in the viewer. You can also customize the button text and the behaviour of the experience AR viewer | List of key-value parameters divided by semi-column | text: View in AR; return: false | |
button-style | Button style. | String | Aryel's button style | Deprecated. Look at aryel-embed-button slot. |
loader | Customize the loader style. | List of key-value parameters divided by semi-column | color: #fc1aa0 | |
gestures | Customize how the user can interact with the viewer. | List of key-value parameters divided by semi-column | pan: true; zoom: true; rotate: true; damping: true; auto-rotate: 0; min-zoom: 0; max-zoom: 5; helper: true; | |
environment | Specify a custom hdr background and if it's visible. | List of key-value parameters divided by semi-column | src: Aryel's default hdr; visible: false; enable: true; | |
renderer | Specify the viewer rendering behavior. | List of key-value parameters divided by semi-column | correct-lights: true; output-encoding: sRGB; exposure: 1.2 | |
camera | Camera settings. | List of key-value parameters divided by semi-column | fov: 50; near: 0.1; far: 1000; position: 0 0 1; | |
shadow | Global shadow settings | List of key-value parameters divided by semi-column | color: #000000; opacity: 0.075; | |
bloom | Bloom settings. | List of key-value parameters divided by semi-column | strength: 0.25; threshold: 0; radius: 0; | |
ambient-occlusion | Ambient occlusion settings. | List of key-value parameters divided by semi-column | kernel-radius: 8; kernel-size: 32; min-distance: 0.005; max-distance: 0.1; | |
grid | Enable grid. | Attribute only | Disabled |
Define the scale of your 3D object.
<aryel-embed campaign="your-campaign-id" scale="3 3 3"></aryel-embed>
The model is already scaled to fit its container height. Keep this in mind when setting the scale attribute. Setting scale 2 2 2
will scale the model to double its size after it's scaled to fit the container.
Define the position of your 3D object.
<aryel-embed campaign="your-campaign-id" position="1 2 -4"></aryel-embed>
Define the rotation of your 3D object. The rotation values must be defined in degrees.
<aryel-embed campaign="your-campaign-id" rotation="90 180 90"></aryel-embed>
Enable the button in the viewer. If has been provided a property with no value, the button will be displayed with the text “View in AR”.
<aryel-embed campaign="your-campaign-id" button></aryel-embed>
You can also customize the button text or the AR experience behaviour.
button="text: Display in AR space; return: true"
Setting return: true
in the attribute value will tell the AR viewer to come back to the page where the embed viewer is located as soon as the user leaves the AR viewer.
Available properties
Key | Value | Default |
text | string | View in AR |
return | boolean | false |
Button style
Customize the appearance of the button.
button-style="background-color: orange; color: white; padding: 10px 20px;"
This property requires button
attribute to be defined.
Customize the appearance of the loader.
<aryel-embed campaign="your-campaign-id" loader="color: #346beb"></aryel-embed>
Available properties
Key | Value | Default |
color | hex color | #fc1aa0 |
Customize how the user can interact with the viewer.
gestures="pan: false; zoom: false; rotate: false; damping: false; auto-rotate: 3;"
The gestures helper is enabled by default but if all the gestures are disabled, also the helper will be disabled.
Available properties
Key | Value | Default |
pan | boolean | true |
zoom | boolean | true |
rotate | boolean | true |
damping | boolean | true |
auto-rotate | number | 0 |
min-zoom | number | 0 |
max-zoom | number | 5 |
helper | boolean | true |
Define a custom environment and its visibility. The environment must be an .hdr file.
environment="src:; visible: true; enable: true;"
Available properties
Key | Value | Default |
src | string | Aryel's default hdr |
visible | boolean | false |
enable | boolean | true |
Customize how the 3D rendering engine behaves.
renderer="correct-lights: true; output-encoding: linear; exposure: 1"
Available properties
Key | Value | Default |
correct-lights | boolean | true |
output-encoding | linear | sRGB | sRGB |
exposure | number | 1.2 |
Defines the settings of the camera.
camera="fov: 50; near: 0.1; far: 1000; position: 0 0 3;"
Available properties
Key | Value | Default |
fov | number | 50 |
near | number | 0.1 |
far | number | 1000 |
position | vector3 | 0 0 1 |
Defines the global settings for shadows.
shadow="color: #000000; opacity: 0.075;"
Available properties
Key | Value | Default |
color | hex color | #000000 |
opacity | number | 0.075 |
This option requires at least one light with an enabled shadow. Otherwise it will be unnecessary.
Defines the settings of the camera.
bloom="strength: 0.5; threshold: 0; radius: .25"
Available properties
Key | Value | Default |
strength | number | 0.25 |
threshold | number | 0 |
radius | number | 0 |
Ambient occlusion
Defines the settings of the camera.
ambient-occlusion="kernel-radius: 4; kernel-size: 16; min-distance: 0.01; max-distance: 0.2"
Available properties
Key | Value | Default |
kernel-radius | number | 8 |
kernel-size | number | 32 |
min-distance | number | 0.005 |
max-distance | number | 0.1 |
Enable the grid in the viewer.
<aryel-embed campaign="your-campaign-id" grid></aryel-embed>
The grid is made for testing purposes. You should disabled it on live pages.